  < May 2010 >  
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Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting on Raspadskaya coal mine accident in Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo Region

"We must make every effort to support the families struck by the tragedy. Let me emphasise that this task is for both the federal and regional authorities, and an absolute responsibility of the mine’s owners: they should certainly realise that it is their responsibility. <…> There is a government decision in place to allocate one million roubles from the Reserve Fund to each victim’s family and 200,000 to 400,000 roubles to each of the injured miners. Medical and psychological assistance to the injured and the families of those killed has been taken care of.”

Events for 10 may 2010

Events for 9 may 2010

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin holds a videoconference in the Situations Room of the Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief to discuss the recent accident at the Raspadskaya coal mine in the Kemerovo Region

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin called on the relevant authorities to do everything in their power to rescue the miners, and asked them to prepare proposals to provide support for the injured and the families of those who died in the tragedy.

Events for 8 may 2010

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin speaks at the foundation stone ceremony for the We Fought Together Against Nazism monument

“Our common duty is to preserve and defend historical truth. Defend the honour, dignity and good name of the living and fallen heroes. We will use everything in our power to do this: politics, law, mass media, the power of civil society and Russia’s prestige and influence in the world.”