  < August 2009 >  
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Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting on restructuring the missile and space industry

“Let me recall that our strategic goals in this respect are to make the domestic space industry more competitive, and to more effectively use its potential both for resolving domestic socio-economic tasks, and for entering high-tech international markets. Obviously, we should not forget the industry’s role in our defence capability. Defence-related projects amount to 63% of what is being done in the missile and space industry.”

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met with Transneft President Nikolai Tokarev

At the meeting, Mr Putin and Mr Tokarev discussed Transneft’s participation in the expansion of pipeline transport capacity with outflow to the east and west, as well as the northwest – BPS-2 and a southern route.

First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov chaired a meeting in Ulan-Ude with the heads of regions in the Siberian Federal District

The First Deputy Prime Minister disclosed the budget deficit target for 2010: 3.2 trillion roubles or about 7.5% of GDP. “This is the maximum deficit we can afford. If we are to preserve macroeconomic stability, as early as 2011 and 2012 we must gradually but substantially reduce it to 3% by 2012,” noted Mr Zubkov.

Events for 24 august 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with Sberbank CEO German Gref

At the meeting, Mr Putin and Mr Gref discussed Sberbank financing the reconstruction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant, as well as providing housing for the families of the victims of the disaster at the hydropower plant. The bank’s new services to the public were also discussed.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s visit to Chechen Republic

During his working trip to the Chechen Republic, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov.

During his visit to Kazan, Russian Deputy Prime Minister and Chief of the Government Executive Office Sergei Sobyanin held a meeting on using information and communications technology to provide government services to citizens and organisations

“We have approved a list of high-priority services, and have required that government agencies provide them electronically by the end of 2011. After additional analysis and consultations, we are adding almost 20 more services to the list. This will be the list of priority services,” said Sergei Sobyanin. He added that in the near future the government would approve an executive order outlining deadlines for implementing the project.

Events for 22 august 2009

Visit to Krasnoyarsk Territory

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met with Alexander Khloponin, Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.