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5 august, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held a meeting with head of the Federal Tariff Service Sergei Novikov

At the meeting, Mr Putin and Mr Novikov discussed a Government resolution on state regulation and control of tariffs, charges, fees and natural monopoly services on rail transport. This resolution is in a way an institutional one, helping to form a system not only for state regulation of cargo or passenger carriage by rail transport, but also to set development priorities for the branch in general, in line with the central priorities defined by the Government.

29 july, 2008

Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov held a meeting of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labour relations

The commission reviewed the results of monitoring compliance with the decision to increase salaries to federal public-sector employees since February 1, 2008, the Government's draft resolution on benefits to those who are employed in hazardous jobs (shortened working week, additional annual paid leave, and higher salaries) and conditions of their granting, and a draft integrated plan for the tripartite commission's priority undertakings in the latter half of 2008 on implementing the General Agreement between the national trade unions, federal associations of employers, and the Government for 2008-2010.

15 october, 2012

The 26th meeting of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council

In connection with the intention of the Russian Government to improve the efficiency of the supply chain in order to boost Russia"s competitiveness, FIAC investors suggest developing a roadmap and key performance indicators for the road transport market based on the positive results and experiences obtained in the area of customs regulations. Third is the implementation of innovation R&D. Government resolutions could open up the market to investors in localising innovation technology in new spheres.

21 january, 2013

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev"s instructions following a meeting on utility and housing service tariffs and prices

2. The Ministry of Regional Development (Igor Slyunyayev), the Ministry of Economic Development (Andrei Belousov), the Ministry of Justice (Alexander Konovalov), the Federal Antimonopoly Service (Igor Artemyev), the Federal Tariff Service (Sergei Novikov), and the Federal Service for Supervision of Environment, Technology and Nuclear Management (Nikolai Kutyin) will ensure that the following draft Government resolutions are implemented: 5. The Ministry of Regional Development (Igor Slyunyayev), the Ministry of Economic Development (Andrei Belousov), the Ministry of Energy (Alexander Novak), and the Federal Tariff Service (Sergei Novikov) will study the need to change the rules for providing public services to the owners and the users of space in apartment buildings and houses with the executive authorities - Resolution No 354, approved by the

12 april, 2013

Dmitry Medvedev attends Ministry of Labour and Social Security Board extended meeting

In the field of labour relations the key task in the near term is to fulfil the Government"s resolutions on raising the pay for certain categories of public sector workers. The workers in our sectors see the Executive Orders of the President of May 7, 2012 and the Policy Priorities of the Government of the Russian Federation to 2018 as the main policy documents for our work going forward.

18 may, 2010

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov

The government resolutions - you signed one more resolution the other day - allow us to conduct monthly monitoring of livestock and plant breeding and also to implement prompt customs and tariff measures when necessary, in particular to cut quotas or approve imports from other countries in case of interrupted distribution from our established business partners. Still, as I mentioned, you signed a resolution allowing the Government Commission on Foreign Trade Protection Measures in Customs and Tariff Policy that I head up to take a decision on the reduction and alteration of quotes and on replacing the exporters that cannot deliver their products to our country..

7 july, 2008

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a Cabinet meeting

In accordance with the instructions you have given earlier we are to submit proposals on amendments to the text of Resolution No.605 to the Government today. It has to do with the work of the Government bodies, social services, the organization of the daily life of the disabled.

14 august, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a Presidium meeting of the Presidential Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy

The Government has prepared a series of resolutions to bolster the healthcare and social assistance system. Together with the Ministry of Finance, it will be necessary to submit to the Government a draft normative act on increasing federal support for the training of workers and specialists for high-tech production in the institutions of primary vocational education by 1 billion roubles in 2009.

29 may, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting on the construction of a new building for the Mariinsky Theatre

Let me remind you that the Government resolution on the construction of the theatre's second performance stage was passed several years ago.

25 january, 2013

Government Meeting

Finally, I would like to once again convey our deep thanks to you, Mr Medvedev, and to you, Ms Skvortsova, on behalf of all the citizens of the Republic of Buryatia, for the very real care that the Government of Russia and the Healthcare Ministry are showing with regard to the people. We have drafted a Government resolution that extends the Ministry of Healthcare"s authority.

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