  < June 2009 >  
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Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's visit to Finland

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, arriving in Helsinki on an official visit, met with his Finnish counterpart, Matti Vanhanen.

Events for 2 june 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's visit to St. Petersburg

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting on the provision of housing for World War II veterans and army servicemen, attended the inauguration of Nissan’s Russian plant and visited the Izhorskiye Zavody (Izhora Plants) Joint Stock Company and met with Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman in St Petersburg.

Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov chaired a meeting of the Sochi 2014 Organising Committee's supervisory board. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak also took part

The Deputy Prime Minister continued: "Despite the complicated economic conditions today in the country, we are seeing serious interest in the Olympics among sponsors and investors." He said that today, thanks to investors' resources "the Organising Committee has a significant financial surplus of 4 billion roubles."

Events for 1 june 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a Government Presidium meeting

"And despite the complicated position regarding boosting the budget, state support programmes will continue to be implemented in 2009. 200 million roubles have been set aside for interest rate subsidy on loans for the purchase of raw materials, and 90 million roubles for credit on technological upgrades".

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met with Industry and Trade Minister Viktor Khristenko, Sberbank President German Gref and Magna International Co-Chief Executive Officer Siegfried Wolf

“The present situation is complicated due to the economic crisis. However, it provides conditions to diversify our contacts with the leading European countries. We have done a great deal recently to promote energy partnership. Now we have an opportunity to make further steps in industry – in particular, engineering.”

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Observation Council of the state corporation Vnesheconombank (the Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs)

“The bank started funding the 21st new project. The projects are related to infrastructural development, high technologies, and new industrial plants – in particular, the modernisation of Siberian and Far Eastern railways; the establishment of technology parks in Tatarstan and the Kaluga Region; the reconstruction of several power plants, and work in the entire energy industry. The bank also joined the investors of Olympic construction in Sochi.”