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15 november, 2012

Background material for the Government meeting

The draft law suggests supplementing Article 6 of the Federal Law On Commodity Exchanges and Exchange Trade with Item 4, which requires the parties to over-the-counter (OTC) exchange commodity transactions, including those under long-term supply contracts, to notify the relevant commodity exchange about the transactions in the instances, order, extent and time frame set by the Government. It has also repealed Government Resolution No 259-r of 28 February 2012, which approved the allocation of 6,000,000,000 roubles to this end.

5 april, 2012

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting of the Government Presidium

The government resolution has been passed, so please update us on the new procedure. Mr Putin and members of the Government Presidium, you have absolutely correctly identified the shortcomings in the utility tariffs set forth in Resolution 306 in 2006.

7 february, 2013

Background material for the February 7, 2013 Government meeting

The Federal Law On the Anti-Corruption Expert Examinations of Legal Regulatory Acts and Their Drafts authorises the Ministry of Justice to conduct anti-corruption expert examinations of draft federal laws, draft Presidential executive orders and draft Government resolutions, as well as draft concepts and requests to draft federal laws and draft Government amendments to draft federal laws. Draft federal law On the Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation on the Mutual Recognition of Official Trademarks on Products of the Clock and Watch Industry Made Using Precious Metals

7 august, 2008

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a government resolution On Introduction of New Labour Payment Systems for Employees of Federal State-Financed Organisations

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a government resolution On Introduction of New Labour Payment Systems for Employees of Federal State-Financed Organisations and Federal Government Bodies, as well as Civilian Personnel of Military Units, Institutions and Subdivisions of Federal Executive Bodies, in which Military Service and the Same Equated with It Is Provided by the Law, whose Labour Remuneration Is Exercised Now on the Basis of a Single Rate of Wages of Employees of Federal Government Agencies, introducing new payment systems in the declared categories from December 1, 2008.

20 december, 2012

Government meeting

On 20 September the Government endorsed a resolution on a federal targeted programme for the development of the judiciary in Russia in 2013-2020. The draft resolution and the programme, per se, has been endorsed by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Commercial Court, the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media and the Federal Bailiff Service.

15 november, 2012

Government meeting

Several days ago, on November 12, Dmitry Medvedev signed the Government resolution approving the regulations for state monitoring of the quality and safety of medical services. Today, the Government approved the general provisions of the programme prepared by the Ministry of Regional Development, which to varying degrees affects the majority of the Russian people since it is about housing construction and improving utilities services.

27 september, 2012

Background material for the Sept. 27, 2012 meeting (Press release)

When approved, the draft law will make it possible to bring specific provisions of the Code of Criminal Proceedings on the reconsideration of criminal case court verdicts, due to new or newly revealed circumstances, in conformity with the legal position contained in the Constitutional Court"s Resolution No 6-P dated May 16, 2007, and to ensure the judicial protection of citizens" constitutional The draft resolution seeks to improve various law-making mechanisms involving federal executive bodies and to ensure the timely drafting of regulatory documents that are needed to ensure the effective implementation by the Government of enacted federal laws.

5 june, 2009

First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov took part in a meeting on the development of livestock breeding in Russia, chaired by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin during his trip to the Belgorod Region

In the first four months of the year, poultry production increased by 13%, producing more than 1 million tons in live weight, while pork production grew by almost 8%. According to Mr Zubkov, the Government resolution to reduce tariff quotas on the import of poultry and pork has played an important role. He said that the Government had instructed the Ministry of Agriculture to draw up a programme for pig breeding in Russia.

7 may, 2013

Meeting on implementation of presidential executive orders of May 7, 2012

The Government resolution of October 2012 established alternative payment methods for health services for 2013-2015 based either on a standard, a closed case, or clinical and statistical groups. The Government essentially supports these measures and is aware of their relevance, as reflected in the Government resolution of April 25 passed after the national report on the fulfillment of the 2008-2012 state programme.

14 january, 2013

Dmitry Medvedev meets with Deputy Prime Ministers

To follow up on what you were saying, the Ministry of the Interior has reported to the Government that 16,616 people were arrested between December 30 and January 8 for drunk driving or for refusing to take the test. Local governments will establish time limits and specific boundaries of the areas where the sale of spirits is banned under the criteria included in the Government resolution.

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