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9 november, 2011

First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov chairs meeting of the Government Council on Timber Industry Development

* This programme was drafted by the Federal Agency for Forestry per Government Executive Order No. 1950-r "On approving the list of state programmes of the Russian Federation" dated November 11, 2010 and in line with Government Resolution No.

19 january, 2012

Background material for the Jan. 20, 2012 Government Presidium meeting (press release)

The project provides for amending the Government Resolution On the Federal Agency for State Property Management to clarify the powers of the Federal Property Agency for the preparation and submission to the Ministry of Economic Development of draft government decisions on the appointment of representatives of the Russian Federation to governing bodies of independent non-profit organisations. The draft proposes to amend the Government Resolution On the Federal Agency for State Property Management to clarify the powers of the Federal Agency for State Property Management to exercise the rights of participants of limited liability companies.

9 february, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Government Presidium

Following the decisions made at this conference, the Government adopted a resolution on January 14 on measures to support the domestic exporters of industrial products, including automakers and transportation machine-builders. A resolution on changes in the customs tariffs has been passed and a draft Government resolution on contributing 25 billion roubles to the charter capital of Rosagrolizing (which acts as the central banker of the agricultural leasing system) has been submitted, together with a draft Government resolution on setting up a specialised leasing company.

4 june, 2010

The following issues are scheduled for discussion at the June 3, 2010 meeting of the government of the Russian Federation

In regard to this, relevant amendments are to be introduced in the resolutions of the government of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2004 No.501 On the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, of May 29, 2008 No.405 On Aspects of the Activities of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, of November 26, 2008 No.893 This draft resolution has been prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development in accordance with the government resolution of December 31, 2009 No.1188 On Introducing Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

3 september, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Government Presidium

Mr Putin, the Government Resolution of August 22 stipulates one-time financial assistance to the families affected by the accident. As of today, the funds stipulated for the payment of one-time financial compensation to the families of the victims and missing persons - 75 million roubles - have been transferred to the Government of Khakassia.

22 january, 2009

First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov presided over a regular meeting of the Road Safety Commission

The Commission approved a Draft Government resolution vesting the Transport Ministry of the Russian Federation with the functions of organising road traffic.

23 july, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Government Presidium

Today I signed a Government resolution on the adjustment of the monetary allowance for those in the military and in law enforcement agencies, raising it by 8.5% from August 1 this year. The increase specified in the resolution you signed, is related to the fact that there is a regulation in the pension legislation that says that when consumer prices grow by more than 6%, the insurance part of the pension is to be adjusted accordingly.

15 january, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held a conference on measures of Government support for the military-industrial complex

I believe that our main task today is to create the conditions for the military-industrial complex to use effectively the state defence order and other instruments of Government support. First, I'd like to tell you that today I signed a Government resolution on measures of state support for the Russian exporters of industrial produce.

12 april, 2010

Agenda of the April 12, 2010 meeting of the presidium of the government of the Russian federation (draft)

5. Draft federal law On Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Angola on Encouragement and Mutual Protection of Capital Investment Introducing amendments to Government Resolution No.408 of May 29, 2008 On the Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation

20 january, 2011

Background material for the January 20, 2011 meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation (press release)

In order to remove this restraint, it is proposed to amend Article 27 of the Federal Law On Higher and Postgraduate Vocational Education and Article 5 of the Federal Law On Science and Government Science and Engineering Policy, namely to delete provisions prohibiting a legal entity from assigning a right to use the results of intellectual activity to third parties under a contract The draft resolution provides for amending the Government Resolution On Measures to Implement the Federal Lottery Law, by expanding the functions performed by Russia"s Ministry of Finance and Federal Taxation Service.

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