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17 february, 2010

Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin holds a meeting of the Government Commission on the Development of the Metallurgical Sector

As you know, under Government Resolution No.131 of February 14, 2009 a Government Commission on the Development of the Metallurgical Sector has been formed. During the past year the Government held several meetings devoted to metallurgy in which the majority of the Commission's members took part. On July 24, 2009 the Prime Minister chaired a special meeting in Magnitogorsk about problems in the sector.

27 january, 2009

Background material for the January 27, 2009 Government presidium meeting

The amendments to the Rules for Technological Connection of Energy-Receiving Devices (Power Devices) of Corporate Bodies and Natural Persons to Electrical Networks, as approved by Government Resolution No. The draft Government resolution provides for the abolition of existing export duties on mineral fertilisers as laid down in the resolution On Establishing Customs Duties on Individual Types of Fertilisers Exported Outside the Boundaries of Customs Unions Signatory Countries.

25 october, 2012

A meeting of the Government

The relevant draft Government resolution has been coordinated with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development. Next we propose that the relevant draft resolution make it the duty of the federal executive bodies to present the validation materials in preparing corresponding directives on the purchase of shares in other organisations by subsidiaries of companies with state participation.

29 january, 2010

The following issues are scheduled for discussion at the Government Presidium meeting on January 29, 2010

The draft resolution Amending the Regulation on the Transport Ministry of the Russian Federation proposes including in the functions of the Ministry the approval of branch-specific rates used in maintaining vehicle roads of federal significance and their relevant structures. Pursuant to this draft resolution, it is planned to amend the Regulation on the Ministry of Industry and Trade, as approved by Government Resolution No.

23 november, 2012

Background material for Government meeting

The draft directives were drawn up in accordance with the Rules for Granting and Distributing Federal Budget Subsidies to the Entity Budgets of the Russian Federation to Promote Family-Run Livestock Farms, as approved by Government Resolution No 165 of February 28, 2012, and the Rules for Granting and Distributing Federal Budget Subsidies to Entity Budgets of the Russian Federation to Support Beginner The draft resolution acknowledges as invalid the Government Resolution On Approving the Procedure for Establishing and Using Extra-Budgetary Funds of Federal Executive Bodies and Profit Organisations to Fund Research and Development and On Amending and Acknowledging as Invalid Certain Government Statutes on the Taxation of Organisations" Profits.

17 november, 2010

Background material for the November 17, 2010 meeting

This draft resolution has been prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development pursuant to Government Executive Order No. Allocation to the Government of the Republic of Dagestan and Rospotrebnadzor Money from the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation for the Prevention and Liquidation of Emergencies Situations and the Consequences of Natural Disasters for the purpose of liquidating the consequences of terrorist attacks perpetrated in Kizlyar on March 31, 2010

15 june, 2009

Background material for the June 15, 2009 meeting

V. Introducing amendments to Resolution No.329 of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 On the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation The Finance Ministry of the Russian Federation has submitted a draft Government resolution On Introducing Amendments to the Statute on the Federal Taxation Service.

17 november, 2008

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Russian Government"s Presidium

We should discuss the relevant draft law at a meeting of the Government Commission, approve it, submit it to the Government, and then to the State Duma. Mr Putin, members of the presidium, the annual national contest for the title of Russia's best city is being held in line with the Presidential decrees and the Government's resolutions.

20 september, 2012

Meeting of the Russian Government

The draft budget prepared by the Finance Ministry and now presented to you is based on the main characteristics approved by the Russian Government and the results of the draft budget discussion with all the ministries and agencies at the meeting of the budget commission. The Government has prepared a draft resolution on adjusting excise duties on petrol and diesel fuel, with a proposed increase in the second half of next year of an average 6% above the rates set out in the Tax Code.

4 october, 2012

Background material for the Oct. 4, 2012 Government meeting

The draft provides for approving a technical amendment to the Government's resolution "On the Forming, Granting and Distributing of Federal Budget Subsidies to the Budgets of the Entities of the Russian Federation", which links the resolution to the general rules for granting and distributing subsidies to the budgets of these entities. A Government resolution "On Amending Some Statutes of the Government of the Russian Federation on Regulating Activity in Aviation" has confirmed the Ministry of Industry and Trade's mandate to exercise state regulation in experimental aviation.

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