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14 october, 2008

Background material for the October 13, 2008 Government meeting

In accordance with the aforementioned law, the Government of the Russian Federation has adopted a number of resolutions connected with the approval of the rules of concluding and implementing public contracts for the link up to the utilities infrastructure systems: In addition, the draft stipulates that the Council is chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, and that the Council shall conduct its activities in accordance with the plan approved by the Council Chairman, with the composition of the Council to be approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and the composition of working groups to be

13 march, 2013

Official Government review of the draft law On Amending the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation

Under Paragraph 7.3 of the Main Provisions for Authorising the Operation of Vehicles and the Duties of Officials to Ensure Road Traffic Safety, which were approved by Resolution No 1090 of October 23, 1993 of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation, having additional objects or coatings, which obstruct the driver's field of view, is a condition in which vehicle Considering the above-mentioned arguments, the Government considers it premature to examine this version of the draft law.

11 november, 2010

Results of November 11, 2010 Government Presidium meeting (Press Release)

The Government approved the draft resolution on the issue in light of the discussion. * Decisions on the items on the agenda are taken with due account of the remarks and proposals made at the meeting of the Government Presidium and are issued as official documents of the Government of the Russian Federation.

19 october, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Government Presidium

In accordance with the Government resolution you signed in August, together with the Federal Service for Supervision of Healthcare and Social Development, we conduct monthly - the Government provides quarterly - monitoring of pharmaceuticals prices. According to the plan approved by the Government, we are to draft 15 Government resolutions and 20 resolutions of the Health and Social Development Ministry.

18 august, 2008

Meeting agenda of the Russian Government presidium on August 18, 2008 (draft)

On the draft federal law On Ratifying the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Labour Activity and Protecting the Rights of Migrant Workers, Citizens of the Russian Federation, in the Republic of Uzbekistan and Migrant Workers, Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the Russian Federation. On the Russian Government's draft resolution On Launching the Work of the Governmental Commission/Federal Headquarters to Ensure Power-Transmission Safety.

16 june, 2008

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a Resolution on the Federal Fisheries Commitee

Pursuant to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation №724 of May 12, 2008 On the System and Structure of Federal Executive Power Bodies and Decree №863 of May 30, 2008 On the Federal Fisheries Agency, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has signed a Government Resolution On the Federal Fisheries Agency and approved a corresponding Statute.

25 october, 2010

Background material for the October 25, 2010 meeting

The proposed draft resolution would amend Government Resolution No.400 of May 28, 2008 on the Energy Ministry of the Russian Federation by raising the ceiling on the number of Energy Ministry staff by 45 positions, as well as Government Resolution No.893 of November 26, 2008 On the Remuneration Fund for the Employees of the Central and Territorial Staff of the Federal This draft resolution introducing amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation has been submitted to the government by the Ministry for Economic Development.

5 november, 2009

The following issues are scheduled for discussion at the November 5, 2009 Meeting of the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation

the Government of the Russian Federation has adopted the resolution On Priority Investment Projects in the Field of Forest Development and the Industry and Trade Ministry of Russia has passed supporting documents on its implementation aimed at creating production capacities for the deep processing of timber, and the output of products that Russia either does not produce enough of or does not produce Since the Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy is the federal executive body in charge of the development and implementation of the state policy and legal regulation in the sphere of physical culture, sport, tourism and youth policy under the Statute on the Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation approved by the Russian Government's Resolution No

19 march, 2013

Official Government review on the draft law On Introducing Amendments to Article 7 of the federal law On State Regulation of Aviation Development and Article 8 of the federal law On Licensing Certain Types of Activity

Article 8 of Law No 99-FZ expressly states that the relevant list of license requirements being approved by a Government resolution is formulated on the basis of specific requirements as regards the establishment of legal entities and their activity, the activity of self-employed business persons in the relevant areas of activity being stipulated by federal laws and other regulatory acts of Specific license requirements with regard to prospective license holders/licensees can be expanded by amending the Regulations On Licensing the Development, Manufacture, Testing, Repairs and Maintenance of Aircraft, which was approved by Government Resolution No 240 of March 28, 2012.

12 january, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Government Presidium

In compliance with the Government resolution of November and with your instruction, Mr Putin, the Government Commission on Investment Project Implementation at the Expense of Investment Funds took stock of all projects approved by the Government on the Regional Development Ministry's order, from the point of the opportunity and expediency of their implementing in 2009. More than that, the same Government Commission meeting of December 25 considered constituent entities' applications for the implementation of projects of regional purport.

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