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27 august, 2009

Background material for the August 27, 2009 meeting

According to the June 5, 2008 Statute on the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation approved by Government Resolution No.437, the Ministry of Economic Development is the federal executive body that develops Government policy and provides legal regulations in the area of evaluation and land tenure. The draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on the above issue has been submitted by the Russian Ministry of Regional Development pursuant to the federal law On the State Service of the Russian Cossacks and the April 30, 2009 Decree No.485 of the President of the Russian Federation On Introducing Amendments to the Acts of the President of the

26 may, 2011

Background material for the May 26, 2011 meeting of the government (press release)

The resolution of the government of the Russian Federation On Introducing Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation authorised the Ministry of Economic Development to prepare regulatory assessment reports for the draft legislative acts of the government and regulatory acts and documents of the federal executive bodies that regulate relations in the area of the state supervision, specification The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation has established the Government Commission for the Affairs of Minors and Protection of Their Rights.

25 may, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Government Presidium

Yes, Mr Putin, at the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science all the relevant departments have compiled and accommodated a draft resolution of the Government to support young researchers and scientists. I ask you to be prompt in your preparation of the Government's instructions on the implementation of its key recommendations and priorities.

30 july, 2009

The following issues are scheduled for discussion at the July 30, 2009 Meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation

The relevant amendments are to be made to 8 resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues concerning the improvement of state regulation of the prices of medicines, including: the inclusion of medicines in the list of production, consumer goods and services for which the prices (tariffs) in the domestic market of the Russian Federation are regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies;

2 december, 2008

Background material for the December 1, 2008 meeting

A draft resolution of the Government approving the draft strategy for developing the financial market of the Russian Federation until 2020 was drafted by the Federal Financial Markets Service in execution of the Russian Government's Instruction No. Moreover, the programme is being amended after the approval of the Government resolutions No.

13 july, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Government Presidium

Some of these amendments have now been sent to the Government with the report on the experience in different areas, which helps the population to implement these programmes. Indeed, two draft resolutions of the Government have been prepared.

18 april, 2013

Government meeting

I would like to thank Government members and the Government Executive Office staff for their hard work on the Government report for the State Duma. The Ministry of Regional Development is drawing up a draft resolution of the Government aimed at reducing the period for coordinating regional programmes from six to three months.

22 december, 2009

The following issues are scheduled for discussion at the December 22, 2009 Meeting of the Government Presidium

submitting to the Government of the Russian Federation a draft resolution for introducing amendments to the Modernisation of the Transport System in Russia (2002-2010) Federal Targeted Programme within two months; The grounds, procedures and terms for providing subsidies for the reform of regional and municipal finances are determined by a statute approved by a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation and supported by Russian Finance Ministry regulatory acts regarding the distribution of the abovementioned resources.

28 july, 2011

Background material for the July 28, 2011 meeting

The proposed measures for indexing the excise tax on alcohol and tobacco are in line with the Concept of the Government Policy on Combatting Tobacco Use for 2010-2015 and the Concept of the Government Policy on Combatting Alcohol Abuse and Preventing Alcoholism in the Russian Federation for the Period till 2020, which envisage use of price and tax measures to reduce the This draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on the organisation of the inter-agency commission to prepare and hold international inter-regional economic forums has been submitted by the Ministry of Regional Development.

11 june, 2011

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with Russian Railways CEO Vladimir Yakunin

This resolution, which the government has adopted, allows us now to objectively assess the needs of industry and the needs of the economy, because we realise that not everything that the state and society are counting on in terms of their macroeconomic interests is possible to implement in full. Sergei Sobyanin and I have held several consultations, and we agreed that, together primarily with Moscow, and also as part of the Russian Railways investment programme - besides this was the resolution of the Government Presidium, which also set the task of determining the investment sources for developing this infrastructure - this is a serious project, which will largely, though not definitively, I should say

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