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10 january, 2013

Video conference on tariffs and prices in the housing and utilities sector

During the first quarter of 2013, following the adopted legal acts, the Government will have to adjust some governmental resolutions in order to partially implement this in 2013. We believe - and the Government has issued the corresponding instruction - that a number of changes are required here that would make it possible to fix inaccuracies and mistakes made when issuing this Government resolution.

18 december, 2008

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin"s visit to Lipetsk Region

The commission reviewed the results of monitoring compliance with the decision to increase salaries to federal public-sector employees since February 1, 2008, the Government's draft resolution on benefits to those who are employed in hazardous jobs (shortened working week, additional annual paid leave, and higher salaries) and conditions of their granting, and a draft integrated plan for the tripartite commission's priority undertakings in the latter half of 2008 on implementing the General Agreement between the national trade unions, federal associations of employers, and the Government for 2008-2010.

10 june, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visited artist Ilya Glazunov at his gallery to congratulate him on his 79th birthday

"I would like to inform you that a Government resolution was signed to rename the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture as the Ilya Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture."

24 september, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev holds a meeting on stimulating hydrocarbon production

We will prepare and submit to the Government the required Government resolutions by 15 November, which will clearly formulate the rules for granting these concessions to further develop the principles that I have just mentioned, as well as the monitoring procedure to follow up on the implementation of these projects. Of course, we will need to amend the Government resolution.

16 september, 2008

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin conducted a video conference of the Federal Operative Headquarters for the liquidation of the aftermath of the armed conflict in South Ossetia

On August 22, after the Government of the Russian Federation issued a resolution prepared by the interagency task force, all the necessary regulations for the conduct of repair and reconstruction were approved: that includes the procedure of inspecting the technical condition of the buildings, the procedure of calculating the cost of restoring the facilities, the procedure of monitoring the progress of the work The schedule included 161 objects; the list of these objects and measures was agreed with the acting Chairman of the Government of the Republic of South Ossetia.

26 january, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin"s visit to Novgorod Region

For the purpose of introducing new effective remuneration systems with the aim of enhancing the quality of services and work productivity of the workers of federal budget-supported institutions, the Government of the Russian Federation has adopted Resolution No.605 of September 22, 2007 On Introducing New Remuneration Systems for the Employees of Federal Budget Supported Institutions and the Civilian Personnel of Military The main principles of the Resolution are as follows:

23 july, 2008

Introducing new remuneration schemes for the employees of federal institutions

For the purpose of introducing new effective remuneration systems with the aim of enhancing the quality of services and work productivity of the workers of federal budget-supported institutions, the Government of the Russian Federation has adopted Resolution No.605 of September 22, 2007 On Introducing New Remuneration Systems for the Employees of Federal Budget Supported Institutions and the Civilian Personnel of Military The main principles of the Resolution are as follows:

2 october, 2012

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev chairs a meeting in Makhachkala of the Government Commission on Socioeconomic Development of the North Caucasus Federal District

Welcome to the meeting of the Government Commission on Socioeconomic Development of the North Caucasus Federal District. On September 24, I signed a Government resolution to allocate another 2 billion roubles to complete the construction of infrastructure projects in the Caucasian Mineral Waters under the federal South of Russia programme.

24 march, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held a meeting on economic issues

I have already signed the Government's Resolution on increasing the insurance part of the pension by 17.5% starting on April 1 of this year. I'd like to remind you that last September the Government determined the directions of the pension system's development, and compiled a list of major measures that are designed to guarantee its stability and effectiveness.

21 september, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting at the National Crisis Management Centre of the Ministry for Emergencies held to discuss the relief efforts at the Sayano-Shushenskaya power plant

First of all, on behalf of the people of the Republic of Khakassia and the regional administration I would like to express sincere gratitude to the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry for Emergencies for organizing diverse forms of assistance to Khakassia in cleaning up the aftermath of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant accident. We have coordinated everything there is to coordinate, and have drafted a Government resolution to change the status of Baikal Lake for more water supplies to the Angara energy network.

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