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2 march, 2013

Dmitry Medvedev signs a resolution founding the Onezhskoye Pomorye national park

The national park's establishment is included in the action plan on implementing the Federal Natural Reserves Development Concept up to 2020, which was adopted according to Government Resolution No 2322-R dated December 22, 2011.With a total area of 201,668 hectares, the park has been established on the Onega Peninsula on territory belonging to the Forest Fund and the Water The Government resolution also provides for protecting unique old forests in the northern taiga, and for preserving the culture and the everyday customs of the White Sea coast's Pomorye population (Pomors).

11 august, 2008

Background material for the August 11, 2008 Government presidium meeting

158 of April 6, 2004 On the Ministry of Education and Science, by increasing the Ministry's personnel by 50 positions (currently, the staffing levels of the Ministry, as set by Government Resolution No. * the Statute on the Ministry of Education and Science, as approved by Government Resolution No.

27 september, 2011

Background material for the September 27, 2011 meeting

This draft resolution implies introducing amendments to the Regulations of the Russian Government and the Statute on the governmental commission on budget projects for the next fiscal year and the planned period concerning specifying the procedure of introducing amendments to the federal law on the federal budget. In order to coordinate the Regulations of the Russian Government with the Budget Code, amendments are also proposed to the regulations concerning the timing for submission of the draft federal law on the federal budget to the Government, and the bodies responsible for simultaneously introducing other draft laws and bills along with the draft federal law on the federal budget.

21 december, 2012

Government decisions adopted at its meeting on 20 December 2012

The Government resolution On Additional Requirements to Participants in Placing Orders to Procure Inventory for the Needs of Federal Executive Bodies was adopted on a pilot basis to perfect the mechanisms of supporting domestic enterprises in the awarding of the state order and is aimed at supporting domestic enterprises producing worsted fabric. Distribution in 2012 of other inter-budgetary transfers from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to pay the stipends of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation to undergraduate and post-graduate students studying in educational programmes corresponding to the priority areas of modernisation and technological development of the

20 december, 2012

Background material for the December 20, 2012 Government meeting

The Government resolution On Additional Requirements to Participants in Placing Orders to Procure Inventory for the Needs of Federal Executive Bodies was adopted on a pilot basis to perfect the mechanisms of supporting domestic enterprises in the awarding of the state order and is aimed at supporting domestic enterprises producing worsted fabric. Distributing in 2012 other inter-budgetary transfers from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to pay the stipends of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation to undergraduate and post-graduate students studying in educational programmes corresponding to the priority areas of modernisation and technological development of the Russian

1 february, 2011

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chairs a session of the Government Council for the Advancement of the National Film Industry

Let me remind you that the Fund was established in keeping with the Russian Government resolution of December 31, 2009. But there is one aspect of this system on which we have started work where we would like to have the support of the Government Council, and that is the connection between the overall amount of government support and the parameters and results, above all the results of the film industry, in order to come up with a kind of formula.

27 december, 2012

Following the Government meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin speaks with the Rossiya-24 TV channel

And today, one of the issues discussed at the Government meeting was to sum up this year"s results, and to prepare and adopt a resolution on the state defence order for 2013, 2014, and 2015. In addition, following the State Duma vote, the Federation Council voted almost unanimously yesterday to approve a new law on the state defence order, which is supposed to establish a more flexible relationship formula between the Ministry of Defence and other Government customers and the industrial producers.

17 september, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev signs instructions approving the list of priority spending commitments of the Russian regions and municipal entities, to be co-financed from the federal budget

The list of spending priorities has been drafted in accordance with Government Resolution 392 of May 26, 2008 on the Formation, Provision and Distribution of Federal Budget Subsidies among the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the amendments made to Government Resolution 392 of May 26, 2008 by Government Resolution 1108 of December 24, 2010 on Amendments to the Procedure for the Formation, Provision and Distribution of Federal Budget Subsidies among the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation, the list of spending priorities must include performance targets for the subsidies and their significance.

29 november, 2011

Background material for the November 29, 2011 Government Presidium meeting

This draft resolution envisages the fixing of salaries for standard military positions and the salaries for military rank for service personnel under contract, and sets for the heads of the relevant ministries and agencies the deadlines for determining the salaries for non-standard military positions (before January 1, 2012) as well as the procedure for the use of these salaries in the process This draft resolution will establish the criteria for paying bonuses for diligent and effective performance of duties and annual allowances in accordance with the powers of the Government under parts 21 and 22 of Article 2 of the federal law referred to above.

15 july, 2008

Background material for the July 14, 2008 Government presidium meeting

The prepared Government draft resolution was drawn up with a view to streamlining and dividing the functions of the Federal Agency for Sea and Inland Water Transport (Rosmorrechflot) in appointing a port captain and the functions of the Federal Service for the Oversight of Transport (Rostransnadzor) in supervising the port captain's work of ensuring shipping safety and port order. In view of the above, the draft resolution provides for deleting subparagraphs (a) and (d) of paragraph (2) from Government Resolution No.

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