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22 june, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has presided over a meeting of the Russian Government Presidium

The commission has analysed 57 items since the start of the year, and the Government has made 34 resolutions on those items-mainly to support Russian manufacturers during the crisis, promote particular economic branches and protect the domestic market. We have prepared all the documents of delegated legislation except for the Government resolution, which you have signed.

9 august, 2010

The following issues are scheduled for discussion at the August 9, 2010 meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation (draft)

The draft law adds to Article 10 of the federal law On Protecting the Population and Territories Against Natural and Manmade Emergencies provisions that grant the Government of the Russian Federation additional authority to issue resolutions and executive orders on the payment of lump-sum relief money to the citizens of the Russian Federation in the event of natural or manmade emergency situations 3. Introducing amendments to Government Resolution No.750 of October 13, 2008 on the procedure of Budget Allocations from the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation for the Prevention and Relief of Emergency Situations and the Aftermath of Natural Disasters

24 september, 2012

List of instructions by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev following a meeting on the development of the Moscow transport hub

3. The Ministry of Transport (Maxim Sokolov), the Ministry of Economic Development (Andrei Belousov) and the Ministry of Finance (Anton Siluanov), in cooperation with the Government of Moscow and the Government of the Moscow Region, shall draft proposals on the approval of the programme for the development of the transport sector of the Moscow Region as a separate sub-programme of the state The Interior Ministry (Vladimir Kolokoltsev) and the Ministry of Transport (Maxim Sokolov) shall draft proposals on amending Traffic Regulations, which were approved by a Government Resolution No 1090 dated October 23, 1993, and the Code of Administrative Offences and to stipulate the following measures:

11 october, 2012

Government meeting

Mr Medvedev, members of Government, the federal programme for the development of education in 2013-2020 was drafted in accordance with the Government resolution approving the procedure for drafting, implementing and assessing the efficiency of Government programmes. Seeking to ensure international competitiveness and the quality of the Russian system of education, the Government programme stipulates the universities that should join the group of the top 100 international schools of higher education, as well as the places Russian pupils should occupy based on the results of three most widely used international testing systems.

20 june, 2008

Vladimir Putin established a new procedure for enrolling stateless persons in post-graduate, internship and doctoral studies at Russian education and scientific institutions

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a resolution of the Russian Government on the procedure for enrolling stateless persons in postgraduate, internship and doctoral studies at higher education institutions, educational institutions for further professional education and scientific centres, whereby stateless persons are enrolled under the same procedure as the citizens of the Russian Federation.

7 july, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Government Presidium

Vneshtorgbank will soon convene a meeting of its private and other holders in connection with the Government resolution, and propose a new emission, to which the Government will contribute 180 billion roubles through the Federal Property Management Agency. As we have digressed to the automotive industry-even as regards agriculture, I want to inform you that I have signed several Government resolutions pertaining to support of the automotive industry as a whole.

20 june, 2008

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin approved amendments to Electrical and Heat Energy Pricing in the Russian Federation

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a resolution introducing amendments to the Resolution of the Russian Government of February 26, 2004 №109 On Pricing of Electrical and Heat Energy in the Russian Federation.

30 december, 2009

The following issues are scheduled for discussion at the December 30, 2009 meeting of the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation

The government of the Russian Federation has received from the federal executive bodies about 100 proposals for draft schedules for the meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government Presidium from January through June 2010. The draft plan discusses 23 such projects as part of the implementation of the Guidelines of the Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Period Until 2012, as approved by Resolution No.815 of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2009.

26 march, 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Government Presidium

I have signed the Government Resolution On Measures of State Support for the Companies of the Defence Industrial Complex (DIC). The resolution gives every company that is the chief contractor of a state defence order the right to ask the commission headed by Mr Siluanov for a subsidy to pay interest on a loan, equal to two thirds of the Central Bank's refinancing rate.

5 october, 2010

Background material for the October 5, 2010 meeting

) 1.09 billion roubles: measures to provide social support for citizens affected by radiation after radiation related accidents and nuclear tests due to the indexation of compensation and other payments in 2010 under the Resolution of the Russian Government of December 16, 2009 # 1024, and the increase in the number of these disabled and disability recertified; The draft laws on ratification of protocol on introducing amendments to the Customs Union"s agreement on veterinary and sanitary measures of December 11, 2009 and the Russian Government"s resolution on introducing Protocol on Introducing Amendments to the Customs Union"s Agreement on Veterinary and Sanitary Measures for ratification of December 11, 2009 have been introduced by the Ministry of Agriculture and

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