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17 january, 2013

Background material for the January 17, 2013 Government meeting

4. Granting 2013 subsidies to Russian Railways to compensate the company for income losses due to the state regulation of rates on services for commuter travellers provided by the public railway transport infrastructure, and amending Government Resolution No 844 of October 17, 2011 The list embraces the federal public sector and public institutions in which the ratio between the average salary of the head of an institution and the average salary of its staff is above or close to the maximum established by the Government resolution On Amending Government Resolution No 583 of August 5, 2008, and takes into account the significance and the exclusiveness of

22 june, 2009

Background material for the June 22, 2009 meeting

The costs of producing Government decorations, including jubilee medals, is financed in accordance with the Rules On the Procedure of Spending the Resources of the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation approved by Resolution No. Financial assistance to citizens in connection with the loss of basic property is in compliance with the Rules of Budgetary Allocations from the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation for the Prevention of and Recovery from Emergency Situations and the Aftermath of Natural Disasters approved by Resolution No.750 of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008

18 august, 2008

Background material for the August 18, 2008 Government presidium meeting

The resolution was drafted in accordance with Clause 2, Article 21 of the Federal Law On Power Generation, which stipulates that the procedure for setting up and operating electricity safety headquarters is to be approved by the federal Government. The draft regulations on the Federal Headquarters, to be approved by the Government resolution, include a list of the Headquarters' functions and goals, and the procedure for forming and convening the Headquarters and adopting and registering their decisions.

9 august, 2010

Agenda for the August 9, 2010 Government Presidium meeting

3. Introducing amendments to Government Resolution No.750 of October 13, 2008 On the Procedure of Budget Allocations from the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation for the Prevention and Relief of Emergency Situations and the Aftermath of Natural Disasters 4. Progress on preparing an act of the Government of the Russian Federation on the Sale of Forage Grain from the Federal Intervention Inventory of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Foodstuffs

25 january, 2013

Background material for the 25 January, 2013 Government meeting

The draft resolution elaborates the new version of the Government resolution, the Statute of the Ministry of Finance in respect to the Ministry's powers on registering the conditions for the emission and the circulation of regional securities or municipal securities, and amendments introduced to the conditions regarding the emission and the circulation of these securities. To implement the statutes of the federal law On Water Supply and Discharge, the draft law introduces amendments to the Government Resolution On Adopting the Statute on the Federal Service for the Supervision of Consumer Protection and Welfare, and extends to the federal service the powers to establish the criteria concerning the deterioration of drinking and hot water quality, the list of indicators

9 april, 2009

Background material for the April 9, 2009 Government Presidium meeting

The approval of permanent zero polyester-thread import duties (See the Government's resolution No. into consideration the Government's previous instructions for the sustained operation of the trade sector and to focus on the resolution of high-priority issues and to report the results to the Government in the fourth quarter of 2009.

15 june, 2009

Agenda for the June 15, 2009 Government Presidium meeting (draft)

4. Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the People's Republic of China on Cooperation in the Oil Sphere. 5. Introducing amendments to Resolution No 329 of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 On the Finance Ministry of the Russian Federation

16 june, 2008

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Government Presidium

I would like to remind you that the idea of creating such a fund was first put forward during a meeting of the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the national projects on April 2. The Government Resolution of April 3 forbade federal government bodies and federal state enterprises to dispose of the land and engage in commercial activities involving that land. The main thing is that we should shortly take another decision on how to square the increase of the minimum wage to 4,330 roubles as of January 1, 2009 with available budget resources, and with Government Resolution № 605 issued late last year on the adoption of new wage schemes.

27 april, 2009

Background material for the April 27, 2009 Government Presidium meeting

The Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development, in cooperation with the federal executive bodies concerned, has prepared a draft Government resolution suggesting the redistribution of 2009 federal budget allotments in order to use them: to inform the public about the implementation of regional programmes, to automate redundancy and part-time employment monitoring, to maintain the information portal of the Federal Service for Labour The Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development has submitted the blueprint of the project The Development of the Pension System (hereafter cited as the Project). (see Point 19 of the list of projects for the implementation of the Guidelines for the Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation up to 2012, approved by the Government Resolution No.

28 january, 2013

The Government adopted the following decisions at its meeting on January 25, 2013

Pursuant to the provisions of the federal law On Water Supply and the Allocation of Water Resources, the draft would introduce amendments to the Government resolution On Approving the Statute on the Federal Service for Protecting the Rights of Consumers and the Well-Being of Citizens on vesting Rospotrebnadzor with the powers to establish the criteria for declaring the substantial deterioration of the In accordance with Government Resolution No 866 of August 28, 2012, the statute shall also include the powers of Rospotrebnadzor to carry out the state registration of goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision on the customs border and the territory of the Customs Union and in cases stipulated under the Customs Union technical regulations.

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