Born April 19, 1967 in Moscow.
1988: Graduated from the Plekhanov Moscow Institute of the National Economy with a degree in Economics.
PhD (Economics).
1988-1991: Junior researcher, Research Institute of Labour at the USSR State Committee for Labour and Social Welfare; postgraduate studies, Research Institute of Labour at the USSR State Committee for Labour and Social Welfare.
1991-1994: Senior researcher, branch head, Research Institute of Labour.
1994-1996: Consulting expert, Labour, Employment and Migration Sector, Department of Labour, Healthcare and Social Protection of the Population, Government Executive Office of the Russian Federation.
1996-1997: Consulting expert, Social Policy and Labour Sector, Department of Labour and Healthcare, Government Executive Office of the Russian Federation.
1997-2001: Head of the Social Development Department, Government Executive Office of the Russian Federation
2001-2004: Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Development.
2004-2008: Head of the Federal Service for Labour and Employment.
2008-May 2012: Deputy Minister of Healthcare and Social Development.
May 21, 2012: Appointed Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation by Presidential Executive Order.
Married, with two daughters.