7 november 2008

Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting with United Russia’s leadership

Vladimir Putin

Meeting with United Russia’s leadership

"The goals outlined in the Development Strategy up to 2020 and the Guidelines for the Government's Policy are now more relevant than ever before. I am referring to diversifying and streamlining the economy, building up a robust national financial system, and realising infrastructure and social projects."

Vladimir Putin's address: 

Good afternoon, colleagues,

United Russia is going to hold its 10th congress in less than a week. Active preparation for the congress has been under way - we are working on the congress' agenda, which will include steps to realise Russia's Development Strategy.

Of course, we need to consider the current state of affairs in the global and Russian economy, discuss the Government's short-term and long-term measures, and report on the steps that are being taken to overcome the consequences of the global financial crisis. Despite present challenges, we are going to carry out our strategic plans in full. We will not abandon them.

More to the point, the goals outlined in the Development Strategy up to 2020 and the Guidelines for the Government's Policy are now more relevant than ever before. I am referring to diversifying and streamlining the economy, building up a robust national financial system, and realising infrastructure and social projects.

Yesterday I signed an anti-crisis plan, which has been released on the Government's website. The plan envisions support for Russian industries.

I am sure that, to minimise the negative impact of global instability on the Russian economy, we need to launch new factors of economic development and growth as soon as possible.

To achieve these goals, the executive and legislative powers at all levels should coordinate their actions. I would like to highlight that it is essential for general public to support and understand our policy. We must pay special attention to it; all our actions should be transparent and clear to the people. Of course, a great deal depends on United Russia's position, the country's biggest and most influential party. I expect the forthcoming congress to demonstrate the party's readiness to engage in this work.

I also consider it necessary that the congress should articulate its attitude towards the President's initiatives outlined in his state of the nation address. Mr Medvedev has advanced a comprehensive block of innovations aimed at the development of Russia's political system, as well as state and public institutions. In my view, United Russia should support the President's position and use its political resources to ensure the adoption of the President's initiatives in the Federal Assembly, and, if necessary, in local legislative assemblies.

In his address, the President touched upon human resources. We will discuss this issue at the congress as well. I am convinced that we should strengthen the party's role in training and promoting highly professional and proactive people, who are keen on getting results in their work; promoting people that are in need both in the federal and local governments, and in the economy.

I expect that today we will discuss other matters too.

Thank you.