19 may 2012

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev takes part in meetings at the G8 summit


Prior to the meetings, the G8 leaders discussed a number of international issues, including the situation in North Korea, Iran and Syria, at a working dinner.

The main session of the two-day summit focused on the economy, energy industry and climate.

The discussion on the economy concentrated on enhancing economic growth and job creation. The main emphasis was placed on three aspects: economic growth models, trade liberalisation and intellectual property.

The G8 leaders also touched on energy security, which is closely related to economic issues. The summit’s agenda includes energy security and climate, and the discussion was held from the perspective of security of reliable and sustainable production and transportation of various energy sources.

During the summit, particular attention was paid to food security. The G8 members’ efforts in this area focused on Africa by launching the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, an initiative that aims to increase private investments in African countries’ agricultural sector, to transfer modern technology and reduce investment risks in agriculture.

Considerable attention at the Camp David Summit was paid to support for the measures to promote Afghanistan’s social and economic development during the transitional period and the withdrawal of international troops from the country.  

In addition, the G8 leaders discussed the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, including within the context of the decisions taken at the Deauville Summit in 2011 on establishing partnerships with the Arab Spring countries, including Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, as well as donor and partner countries such as Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey, in order to support political and economic reforms.