16 june 2008

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visited All-Russia Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM)


The Institute was established in June 1932. Since 1994 it has been charged with conducting fundamental research and applied studies connected with the development and testing of materials intended primarily for aviation, as well as technologies for their production.

As part of its activities, VIAM is engaged in five priority areas of the development of science and technology in Russia.

The Institute is directly involved in a number of federal targeted programmes. They include "Research and Development in Priority Areas of the Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2007-2012"; Development of Civil Aviation Technology in Russia in 2002-2010 and in the period to 2015"; and "Development of the Defence Industry Complex of the RF in 2006-2010 and in the period to 2015."

VIAM is also involved in implementing the State Armaments Programme for 2001-2010 and is doing work on special themes.

Ninety-six percent of the materials used in the aerospace assets of Russia and the CIS countries have been developed at VIAM.

The Prime Minister noted that as part of the five federal targeted programmes the Government would allocate 1.1 billion roubles for the Institute this year.

During his visit to the Institute, the Prime Minister was interested, among other things, to know about the training of young personnel. He also looked at the samples of the materials produced at VIAM, and some cutting-edge developments that have no equivalents anywhere in the world