28 december 2010

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visits VTB Bank’s new headquarters


Prime Minister Putin looked over the dealer services and the analytical department of the VTB Capital investment group, where he spoke with specialists. The equipment installed at its office makes it possible to conduct banking operations in Russia and on major global trading floors.

The Prime Minister was shown a specialist's work area with eight monitors and means of communication with the clients. There are no system units under the tables as all such equipment was moved to another room to optimise the work process.

The Prime Minister was told that dozens of specialists working at the analytical department processed information on market trends for the bank and its clients. Foreign clients account for 80% of the circulation of information.

Mr Putin also asked about the trade of foreign currency. The answer was that the daily volume of dollar-rouble trading alone amounted to about $7 billion. The conversation continued on to yuan trading that was launched only recently. The prime minister was told that thus far the trade volume of yuan did not exceed $1 million. However, the bank planned to launch yuan cash management services and hoped to boost yuan trading by giving the clients sufficient information about the legal framework of such transactions.