The following issues are scheduled for discussion at the Government meeting on November 17, 2010
1. Draft Federal Targeted Programme Housing for 2011-2015
This draft resolution has been prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development pursuant to Government Executive Order No. 1996-r of December 25, 2008 on extending the Federal Targeted Programme Housing for 2002-2010 until 2015.
The draft Federal Targeted Programme Housing for 2011-2015 includes four subprogrammes: The Provision of Housing for Young Families, Meeting State Obligations to Provide Housing for the Categories of Citizens Specified by Federal Legislation, Stimulating the Programmes of Housing Construction in the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation, Modernization of the Utility Infrastructure, as well as certain measures not covered by the subprogrammes.
The draft programme has been prepared pursuant to the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation issued after the meeting of the Presidential Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy on July 1, 2009.
The draft Programme earmarks 291.15 billion roubles from the Federal Budget for implementation in 2011-2015.
Under the Programme 90 million square metres of total housing space will be commissioned in 2015; 86,900 families of citizens belonging to the categories specified under the federal legislation will improve their housing conditions in 2011-2015, 172,000 young families will improve their housing conditions (including the use of mortgage loans) with assistance from the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the local budgets in 2011-2015.
2. Draft Federal Law On Introducing Amendments to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation and other Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation for the Purpose of Creating Road Funds.
This draft federal law has been introduced by the Ministry of Finance.
This draft federal law has been prepared pursuant to Government decisions to include in the Budget Code of the Russian Federation grounds for the creation of federal and regional road funds beginning January 1, 2011.
The draft law proposes:
- to introduce amendments to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation to determine legal grounds for the creation of federal and regional road funds as well as to establish the rules of the creation thereof
- to introduce amendments to the federal law On Motorways and Road Activity in the Russian Federation and on introducing amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation which provide the legal framework for the introduction, as of January 1, 2012 of payments to compensate for the damage caused to federal motorways by transport vehicles with a maximum allowable GVWR of 12 tons which will be entered in the federal budget revenue. The revenues from such payments will be taken into account in determining the amount of budget allocations for the Federal Road Fund;
- to introduce amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences to establish administrative liability for non-compliance with the requirement of the law on making payments to compensate for the damage caused to federal motorways by transport vehicles with a maximum allowable GVWR of more than 12 tons. Administrative offence cases will be handled by internal affairs bodies.
The draft law introduces the concept of the Road Fund in the Budget Code as part of the budgetary resources to be used to finance road activities.
The budget allocations for the Federal Road Fund are to be not less than the basic budget allocations of 254 billion roubles (Article 4 of the draft law) and the projected federal budget revenue from several tax and non-tax federal budget income sources formed by the corresponding payments made by road users (section 4, Article 1 of the Draft Law).
The authority to determine the procedure of the formation of road funds at the federal level will be vested with the Government of the Russian Federation and at the regional level with the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
3. Distribution of subsidies to balance the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
This draft executive order has been submitted by the Ministry of Regional Development.
For the purpose of state support in 2010 for integrated investment plans for the modernization of single-company cities the draft executive order envisages subsidies to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to support measures to balance their budgets in the amount of 1,079,002,000 roubles, of which:
The above financial assistance will be rendered within the amounts stipulated by the federal law On the Federal Budget for 2010 and the Planning Period of 2011 and 2012.
4. Draft federal law On Rratification of the Protocol on Introducing Amendments to the Agreement of the Customs Union on Sanitary Measures of December 11, 2009
This draft federal law has been introduced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development.
This draft law is aimed at improving legal regulation of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population and takes into account the measures to improve control and supervisory and permissive functions of the Russian Federation. The protocol drops the requirement for sanitary-epidemiological statements with respect to foodstuffs and introduces the requirement of state registration of foodstuffs.
The proposed measures will strengthen the protection of the Customs Union territory against the import and spread of infectious and mass non-infectious diseases (poisons) among the population and products (goods that do not meet common sanitary epidemiological and hygienic requirements).
In accordance with Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 101-FZ of July 15, 1995 On the International Treaties of the Russian Federation the protocol is subject to ratification by the State Duma.
5. Draft Federal Law On Ratification of the Agreement for the International Carriage Transport of Passengers and for Cargo Transport with Trailers, Semi-Trailers, Containers and Railway Rolling Stock and (or) Luggage Inside the Customs Territory of the Customs Union
This draft federal law has been prepared and introduced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Customs Service of Russia.
This Agreement for the International Carriage Transport of Passengers and for Cargo Transport with Trailers, Semi-Trailers, Containers and Railway Rolling Stock and (or) Luggage Inside the Customs Territory of the Customs Union was signed in St Petersburg on June 18, 2010.
The aim of this Agreement is to express the consent of the Russian Federation to regard the provisions of that document as binding.
The draft law is subject to ratification in accordance with Subsection A, Section 1, Article 15 of the Federal Law On International Treaties of the Russian Federation.
The implementation of the Agreement will not require any amendments to the federal laws of the Russian Federation.
6. Signing an Agreement on the Procedure for Enforcing Special Protective, Anti-dumping and Compensation Measures During the Transitional Period.
This draft executive order on the issue has been submitted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.
This draft Agreement determines the procedure for enforcing current national measures for the protection of the domestic market after the agreement comes into force, the procedure and criteria of fast-track revision of existing national special protective, anti-dumping and compensation measures to be enforced on the common customs territory of the Customs Union of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, the procedure of completing the current special protection, anti-dumping and compensation investigations and passing decisions on the results thereof, the procedure for conducting new investigations, as well as establishing the procedure for collecting special, anti-dumping and compensation duty, including preliminary duty.
The draft Agreement has been approved by the Customs Union Commission.
7. Signing a Protocol on the Procedure of Providing to an Investigative Body Data that Contain Confidential Information for the Purpose of Investigations Preceding the Introduction of Special Protection, Anti-dumping and Compensation Measures with Regard to Countries.
This draft executive order on the issue has been submitted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.
The provisions of the draft protocol determine the procedure of submitting to the agencies of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation empowered to conduct investigations as well as to the corresponding supranational agency which will be vested with authority to conduct special protective, anti-dumping and compensation investigations after the end of the transitional period established under Section 3 of Resolution No. 37 of the EurAsEC Interstate Council, of data used for the purpose of special protective, anti-dumping and compensation investigations in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement on enforcing special protective, anti-dumping and compensation measures with regard to third countries of January 25, 2008.
The draft Protocol has been approved by the Customs Union Commission.
8. Signing an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Russian Federation on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers and Members of their Families
The draft agreement on the above issue has been submitted by the Federal Migration Service of Russia.
This draft has been developed pursuant to the Action Plan to form the Common Economic Space of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation approved by Resolution No. 35 of the EurAsEC Interstate Council on December 19, 2009.
The draft Agreement is aimed at promoting cooperation among the contracting parties in the following areas:
● coordinating policies in regulating external labour immigration
● facilitating organized recruitment and employment of working immigrants on the territories of the signatory states
● preventing illegal use of labour of immigrant workers
● exchange of information on the legal status of immigrant workers and members of their families, their employment and social insurance
This draft Agreement defines the category of citizens to which it will apply and the volume of preferences it grants. Thus, the category includes a person who is the citizen of one of the signatory states legitimately staying and legitimately engaged in work activity on the territory of another signatory state of which he is not a citizen or a permanent resident.
The preferences granted to the said category of persons include the following:
● The employers in the host state will be able to employ immigrant workers and the citizens of the signatory states to obtain work permits regardless of the restrictions aimed at protecting the national labour market (new provisions as regards employment in Russia of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
● An immigrant worker and members of his/her family are relieved of registration (in the place of their stay) with authorized state employment bodies within 30 days of entering the territory of the host state (at present foreign citizens are obliged to register their place of residence within the said deadline). Labour relations (signing of the employment contract), social security (social insurance) other than pensions and medical care of immigrant workers and members of their families will be regulated by the laws of the host state and the provisions of the Agreement.
9. Signing an Agreement On Cooperation in Counteracting Illegal Labour Immigration from Third Countries
10. Submitting to the President of the Russian Federation a proposal to sign an Agreement on Common Principles and Rules of Competition (concluded as part of the creation of the Common Economic Space)
11. Signing an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Russian Federation on access to the services of natural monopolies in energy, including the basic principles of price calculation and tariff policy
12. Submitting to the President of the Russian Federation a proposal on signing the Agreement on Security Cooperation on the Caspian Sea
13. Submitting to the President of the Russian Federation for the purpose of introducing for ratification a treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Panama on mutual legal assistance on criminal cases
The draft resolution on this issue has been submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice.
This draft resolution would approve and submit to the President of the Russian Federation for the purpose of introducing for ratification by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the Treaty signed in Panama on April 30, 2009.
The Treaty regulates Russian-Panamanian relations in the field of granting mutual legal assistance in connection with the investigation, criminal prosecution and other procedures related to criminal cases.
The Treaty is subject to ratification in accordance with sub-sections A and B, Section 1, Article 15 of the Federal Law On International Treaties of the Russian Federation .
14. Forming an organizing committee for the holding of events to mark in 2011 the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster
The draft executive order on this issue has been submitted by the Russian Ministry for Emergencies.
April 26, 2011 is 25 years since the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster.
To prepare for that event and organize corresponding activities, this draft envisages the formation of an organizing committee including representatives of the federal executive bodies, the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation concerned which have been affected by radiation as a result of the catastrophe as well as the All-Russian union of non-governmental associations Chernobyl Union of Russia.
Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov is proposed as chairman of the Committee.
The Ministry for Emergencies is to provide organizational and technical support for the Committee’s activities.
The Committee will approve a plan for the preparation and holding the events to mark said date.
15. Allocating to the Government of the Republic of Dagestan Money from the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation for the Prevention and Liquidation of Emergencies Situations and the Aftermath of Natural Disasters
16. Allocation to the Government of the Republic of Dagestan and Rospotrebnadzor Money from the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation for the Prevention and Liquidation of Emergencies Situations and the Consequences of Natural Disasters for the purpose of liquidating the consequences of terrorist attacks perpetrated in Kizlyar on March 31, 2010
17. Forecast plan (programme) of privatization of federal property and guidelines for privatization of federal property in 2011-2013
This draft forecast plan (programme) of privatization of federal property and the guidelines of federal property privatization for 2011-2013 has been submitted by the Ministry of Economic Development.
The draft has been developed with due account of the amendments introduced to the Federal Law On the Privatization of State and Municipal Property which clarify the effective period of the forecast plan (programme) of federal property privatization (between one and three years) as well as the results of the work to optimize the composition of federal property carried out by the federal executive bodies.
This draft is aimed at implementing the main tasks of federal property privatization, viz.:
● compliance of the composition of the state property with the functions of the state and structural changes in corresponding sectors of the economy that promise positive economic, social and budget effects
● creating conditions for bringing in off-budget investments to the development of joint stock companies, stimulating the development of the stock market as well as modernization and technological development of the economy
● formation of revenues of the federal budget in compliance with the indicators of the federal budget for the next fiscal year and the planning period
18. Introducing changes to the composition of the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation
This draft proposal would include Deputy Prime Minister and Chief of Staff of the Russian Government V.V. Volodin in the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation and drop from its composition Sergey Sobyanin.
Moscow, November 17, 2010
* Press releases by the Department of Press Service and Information contain the materials submitted by the executive federal bodies for discussion by the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation