8 march 2010

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin wishes Russia's women a happy International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is now a cheerful, upbeat springtime holiday. But its beginnings, in the struggle for women's rights and equality with men, were serious...

International Women's Day is now a cheerful, upbeat springtime holiday. But its beginnings, in the struggle for women's rights and equality with men, were serious. Accordingly, we in Russia have a very great deal still to do, in terms of safeguarding motherhood and childhood, as well as access for women to various fields of activity, equal pay and equal working conditions. We need to come right out and admit that there are areas in which we can improve. And we, of course, will strive to achieve all of these goals. But all the while, in striving to achieve this equality with men, we will always cherish those characteristics, that are inherent in women: tenderness, grace and charm.

Happy International Women's Day!