3 september 2009

At its meeting on September 3, 2009, the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the following decisions on the items on its agenda

At its meeting on September 3, 2009, the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the following decisions on the items on its agenda:

I. Results of the implementation of the Federal Budget for the first six months of 2009.

The Government of the Russian Federation has approved the report on the implementation of the Federal Budget in the first six months of 2009 and will submit it to the State Duma, the Federation Council and the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation.

II. Approval of technical safety rules for road vehicles.

After taking the discussion into account, the Government of the Russian Federation has adopted a draft resolution on the above issue.

III. Amendments and nullifications made to certain decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on referring mineral deposits to standard or substandard reserves.

The Government of the Russian Federation has adopted a draft resolution on the above issue.

IV. The participation of the Russian Federation in bringing relief to the poorest countries affected by the crisis and the contribution by the Russian Federation of $50 million to the World Bank Trust Fund to support vulnerable countries and sectors in 2009-2011.

1.    In light of the discussion, the Government of the Russian Federation has adopted a draft executive order on the above issue.

2.    The Finance Ministry of Russia has been instructed to review the participation of the Russian Federation in the funds established by international organizations and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals on how to best take into account the interests of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the above projects.

V. Disbursement in 2009 to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of budget allocations from the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation to financially support the expenditure connected with holding negotiations to draft documents for the creation of a common customs territory of the Customs Union of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

The Government of the Russian Federation has adopted a draft executive order on the above issue.

Moscow, September 10, 2009

* Decisions on the items on the agenda are made with consideration for the remarks and proposals expressed at the Government meeting and are issued as official documents of the Government.