19 august 2009

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting on nanotechnologies development strategy

Vladimir Putin

At a meeting on nanotechnologies development strategy

“There are extremely important objectives in this area, as has always been the case. I am talking about Russia gaining a leading position in this area of research, establishing cutting-edge production facilities, and expanding into international nanotechnologies markets. The current economic problems are no reason to abandon these goals. On the contrary, they only challenge us to work more effectively and more intensively if we want to diversify the country’s economy and provide it with a modern technological foundation.”

Vladimir Putin's opening remarks:

Good afternoon, colleagues,

Today we will focus on an issue that is directly connected to modernising Russia's economy and increasing its level of innovation.

As I'm sure you all know, in April of 2007, the Nanotechnology Industry Development Strategy was adopted by presidential initiative. In order to implement this initiative, the Government launched a series of targeted programmes with the purposes of establishing the required infrastructure, conducting research and training personnel. A Government Commission on Nanotechnologies and Innovation was set up, which also handles issues concerning the development of the nanotechnology industry. The state corporation Rosnanotech was established, and began operating.

There are extremely important objectives in this area, as has always been the case. I am talking about Russia gaining a leading position in this area of research, establishing cutting-edge production facilities, and expanding into international nanotechnologies markets.

Therefore, I believe that the current economic problems are no reason to abandon these goals. On the contrary, they only challenge us to work more effectively and more intensively if we want to diversify the country's economy and provide it with a modern technological foundation.

I think it is time to begin analyzing our recent achievements in the field, to revise the progress we have already made, and to identify factors inhibiting the development of the Russian nanotechnology industry.

Judging by the available data, which is quite abundant, we have established a good foundation for the development of technologies connected with medicine, diagnostics equipment, environmental protection, saving energy and the production of innovative composite materials. Almost a thousand enterprises of the real sector of the economy are working in the area of nanotechnology industry.

We are witnessing the establishment of key elements of the national nanotech network, which includes publicly accessible research centres. Therefore, I think it expedient to extend the term of the federal targeted programme Infrastructure Development for the Nanotechnology Industry for another year, that is, through the end of 2011.

Rosnanotech is currently monitoring over 450 projects aimed at developing specific production facilities; 22 projects have already been selected, and eight are already receiving investment. Overall, the state corporation plans to approve 50 projects and allocate 80 billion roubles this year.

At this stage, I think it is extremely important to create and stimulate domestic demand, an approach that involves, among other things, the Government procuring nanotechnology products for Government needs and for the needs of companies in which the Government holds stakes, such as healthcare, educational, research and housing and utilities companies. And if we are discussing the allocation of federal resources, investing in innovative technologies is certainly the best decision we could make.

The Government also needs to facilitate commercial application of nanotechnologies. We must attract private investment to the industry. Private companies have already shown interest in this area of research.

To encourage the development in this industry, we need to establish legal framework for it, and draft new technological regulations more quickly.

Now let us begin the discussion.