Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visits the Ocean national children’s centre in the suburbs of Vladivostok while on a working visit to the Far East
3 july 2012
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visits the Ocean national children’s centre in the suburbs of Vladivostok while on a working visit to the Far East
The prime minister visited the two main buildings of the Ocean centre – Sail and Brigantine. He asked Valery Marzoyev, general director of the children's centre, if they were in the very building that was restored after the fire of 1993. "Yes, this is the building. It took a long time to build, it was only completed in 2009," the head of the centre replied. Dmitry Medvedev inspected rooms which resembled ship's cabins. "It really looks like a ship, with these high steps. I would enjoy living in this kind of a building," the prime minister said.
In 2008, after the huge earthquake in Sichuan Province in China, the Ocean centre provided rest and recuperation for children from the province. "We received thousands of children from China. Afterwards, to show their gratitude, China presented us with two computer classrooms," Valery Marzoyev said. The prime minister saw the classrooms and met with children who are studying economics.
Later Dmitry Medvedev visited the assembly hall, where he watched a rehearsal for the welcoming ceremony for the next group of children to arrive at the Ocean centre. The prime minister asked the children where they came from. They began shouting names of Russian regions in reply. "There are children from all across the country here," the prime minister concluded.
The guest of honour was also shown the library and the internet centre. The prime minister inspected the view of the children's centre from the balcony of the Brigantine building and took a photo.
Before leaving, Dmitry Medvedev wrote in the visitors' book: "I want to thank all the staff at the Ocean national children's centre. Good luck and best wishes to everyone."