12 february 2009

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Viktor Zubkov has chaired a meeting of the Government Commission on Protective Measures in Foreign Trade and the Customs and Tariff Policy

Opening the meeting the First Deputy Premier issued a directive to review within a month the implementation of the decisions taken by the Commission in 2008.

Opening the meeting the First Deputy Premier issued a directive to review within a month the implementation of the decisions taken by the Commission in 2008. Viktor Zubkov paid particular attention to the customs and tariff regulation measures adopted as "anti-crisis measures". "We should analyse to what degree our decisions have achieved the goals and tasks for which they were adopted. We should see how the domestic market has reacted, what happened to the volume of domestic production of goods and how the dynamics of foreign trade has changed," he said.

As part of its agenda the Commission recommended to the Government of the Russian Federation to temporarily extend the use of current rates of import customs duties on certain types of natural fur garments as well as rolled stock of aluminium alloys more than 0.2 mm thick (painted, varnished or covered with plastics).

For the purpose of extending the raw materials base for the production of secondary magnesium it was decided to temporarily reduce from 15% to 5% the import customs duty on waste and scrap metal as well as magnesium dust, shavings and granules while simultaneously introducing until the end of the current year the export customs duties for the above goods. The combined export customs duty will consist of an ad valorem part set at 20% and the specific part which will be additionally calculated in preparing a corresponding draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The members of the Commission backed the proposal to increase from 10% to 15% the import customs duties on television sets with liquid crystal and plasma screens (Codes 8528 72 810 0 and 8528 72 890 0 of the Foreign Trade Goods Nomenclature for a period of nine months.

After a discussion, the draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation On the Distribution of Tariff Quotas for the Import of Poultry, Beef and Pork in 2009 was approved.