23 november 2010

Russia and China sign a series of cooperation deals following intergovernmental talks


Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao have signed a joint statement following the 15th regular meeting of the two countries’ heads of government.

Mr Putin and Mr Wen Jiabao also attended the signing of a series of important documents:

- Russian nuclear equipment and services supplier Atomstroyeksport and China’s Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation signed a General Contract for nuclear power generating units 3 and 4;

- Russia’s Federal Customs Service and China’s General Administration of Customs signed a Memorandum on strengthening cooperation in protecting intellectual property;

- Russia’s Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border Infrastructure and China’s General Administration of Customs signed an Agreement on cooperation in developing checkpoints on the Russian-Chinese border;

-  Russia’s Ministry of Industry and Trade and China’s Ministry of Commerce signed a Memorandum on cooperation in applying anti-dumping, compensatory and special protective policies in imports;

- The Russian and Chinese governments signed a Protocol amending the Supplementary Protocol to the June 27, 1997 intergovernmental Agreement on the establishment of regular meetings between the prime ministers of China and Russia;

- Russia’s Transport Ministry and China’s Ministry of Railways signed a Memorandum of Understanding related to railway transport;

- The Russian and Chinese governments signed an air service agreement;

- The Russian and Chinese governments signed a Protocol to the July 1, 2005 Agreement on the final settlement of the former Soviet Union’s and the Russian Federation’s debts to the People’s Republic of China;

- The Russian and Chinese governments signed a Protocol amending the March 5, 1992 intergovernmental Agreements on trade and economic relations;

- The Protocol of the 11th meeting of the Russian-Chinese commission on cultural cooperation;

- The Protocol of the 14th meeting of the Russian-Chinese commission on preparing regular heads of government meetings.