29 june 2010

Deputy Prime Minister and Chief of Staff of the Government’s Executive Office Sergei Sobyanin chairs regular meeting of the Government Commission for Introduction of Information Technology at Government Agencies


At the meeting, reports were given by Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko On the Guidelines for Expanding Information Technology in the National Education System and On the Results of Implementing a Programme for Training Disabled Persons With the Use of Modern Information Technology. A decision was taken to expanded information technology (IT) in the Russian education system, while drafting a state programme titled Information Society for 2011-2020, and to continue training disabled persons using the latest IT programs.

The issue On the Joint System of Directories and Classifiers for the Purpose of Rendering Online State Services was also discussed. This issue will be examined in greater detail by separate working groups for each basic directory and classifier.

The government commission heard the Federal Guard Service's report On the Readiness of Departmental Electronic Document Turnover Networks for Operation Within the Format of the Inter-Departmental Electronic Document Turnover Network and on the Results of Introducing the Electronic Document Turnover Network at Executive State-Power Bodies and noted that, starting in mid-August 2010, online document exchanges would be introduced between the Government Executive Office and the first ten ministries and departments. The other ten departments are to start operating an experimental data-exchange network using paper documents and are expected to stop using paper within two months.

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media submitted a report On the System for Monitoring the Creation of an Online Government and Regulations for Inter-Departmental Information Cooperation During the Monitoring of the Online Government's Creation. The report said an automated system for monitoring the creation of an online government had now been created, and that virtually all federal executive bodies and over 50% of regional executive bodies were operating this system. Various measures, including those to assess the quality of online state services, will be implemented during this system's expansion. All this will make it possible to more quickly expose problems during the creation of the online government and information society and to make the relevant decisions.