

Outcome of the March 17, 2010 Government Presidium meeting


Press Release*

The Presidium of the Government at its meeting on March 17, 2010, adopted the following decision on the items on its agenda:

I. Implementation of federal targeted programmes and the Federal Address Investment Programme for 2009

1. The Government heard the report by the Ministry of Economic Development on this issue.

II. Draft country plans of action with the key foreign economic partners

1. The Government heard the report by the Minister of Economic Development on this issue.

2. The Government approved the proposed ways to draft country plans of action with the key foreign economic partners.

3. The Government instructed the Russian co-chairs of the intergovernmental commissions on research and technological cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign countries to specify and approve respective country action plans with due regard of discussion results. The secretariats of these intergovernmental commissions are to monitor the implementation of the country action plans and to ensure their updating.

4. The Government instructed the Ministry of Economic Development to submit a consolidated report on the fulfilment of 2010 country action plans in the first quarter of 2011 in accordance with the established procedure.

III. Draft Federal Law amending Article 25 of the Federal Law On the Cultural Heritage (Monuments of History and Culture) of Peoples of the Russian Federation

The Government approved the draft federal law on this issue and decided to forward it to the State Duma in accordance with the established procedure.

IV. Allocation of budget money from the Government's reserve fund for emergencies prevention and relief to the Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief and the Federal Agency for State Reserves in connection with the dam accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant, a subsidiary of RusHydro, on August 17, 2009

The Government approved the draft executive order on this issue.

22 March 2010

* Decisions on the items on the agenda are made with due account of the remarks and proposals expressed at the Government Presidium meeting and are issued as official Government documents.

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