

First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov chairs a meeting of the Government Commission on Agro-industrial Development


The members of the Commission examined the draft state programme for agro-industrial development and the regulation of agricultural produce, feedstock and food distribution in 2013-2020.

Attendees included the leaders of federal departments and Russia's regions, as well as the leaders of trade unions, the Central Council of Consumer Cooperatives and representatives from the scientific community.

Opening the meeting, Viktor Zubkov said:

"This is the second state programme for the agro-industrial sector. The first programme was based on the priority national project Agriculture and will be completed in 2012.

"The programme approach towards solving the problems of Russia's agro-industrial sector has proven its effectiveness. A foundation has been created to facilitate the growth of some basic sectors such as the crop-growing, poultry-breeding and pig-breeding industries, as well as beet sugar production.

"Despite the financial-economic crisis and the widespread droughts of 2009 and 2010, agricultural output has increased by almost 14% in four years.

"The current state programme's support mechanisms make it possible to concentrate financial resources in high-priority sectors. This has made it possible to improve the investment attractiveness of the agro-industrial sector. From 2008 to 2011, the total investment in the national agro-industrial sector topped 1.5 trillion roubles.

"Previously non-existent sectors, including the beef livestock breeding, are being restored. We have posted substantial growth in a number of areas. Poultry-breeding has expanded by 50%, making it possible to considerably reduce poultry imports. In 2014, it will be possible to completely meet nationwide market demand for poultry, if current trends persist.

"The government has advised the Ministry of Agriculture to retain key elements of the current programme in the new state programme and to use those forms of state support which have proved effective.

"We are working to improve rural standards of living. The federal targeted programme Rural Social Development to 2013 has been expanded considerably. In 2014, it will be replaced with the federal targeted programme Sustained Development of Rural Territories up to 2020. Apart from building housing with the latest amenities, the new programme is called on to create civilised and comfortable living conditions in the countryside in general, to induce skilled specialists to remain in rural areas and to preserve the rural environment.

"The new state programme stipulates five sub-programmes for expanding the key aspects of agro-industrial development:

- the crop-growing sector, as well as produce processing and sales;

- the livestock-breeding sector, as well as produce processing and sales;

- small agro-industrial business;

- technological and production modernisation and innovation development;

- scientific support for the implementation of the state programme.

"A separate sub-programme was designed for organisational support for the state programme's implementation.

"At the same time, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance have some misgivings about the new state programme's main parameters, primarily production growth rates. This concerns their conformity to basic policy documents, including the Concept of Long-Term National Development up to 2020 and the Food Security Policy. Notably, the percent of domestic organic raw milk production accounts for 85% of total domestic market resources, rather than 90%, due to be accumulated under the Policy by 2020.

"The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development note the need for additional substantiation of the new programme's allocations which have been overstated on the approved three-year federal budget in 2013-2014 by 41% and 68%, respectively. In their opinion, there are duplications of specific aspects of state support for various sub-programme measures.

"Moreover, the sub-programmes should stipulate the involvement of shareholding companies with state capital, including Rosselkhozbank, Rosagroleasing and United Grain Company, in sub-programmes as regards the crop-growing sector, the livestock-breeding sector and the promotion of small agro-industrial business.

"Per the instruction of Prime Minister Putin, it would be appropriate to create private investment incentives as regards the development of land reclamation systems.

"An annual break-down for the state programme's target figures, including the specific percent of national agricultural produce in the total volume of the programme's resources, the number of newly-established family farms, etc., must be provided.

"The new state programme must reflect the agro-industrial sector's real growth rates in 2013-2020. At the same time, it is called on to send out a correct message to the agro-industrial business community and to convince it to pursue long-term agro-industrial development, processing and that of affiliated sectors.

"Today, as before, we will examine an action plan to eliminate the African swine fever outbreak.

"Unfortunately, the situation has not improved, and African swine fever continues to spread. The number of contaminated areas is on the rise. Ten new contaminated areas have appeared in October and November of this year, including regions using the action plan to eliminate the virus. We have a command centre and director for combating the African swine fever outbreak. This dangerous disease must be fought more aggressively."

After the discussion, the commission members decided to revise the draft state programme for agro-industrial development and the regulation of agricultural produce, feedstock and food distribution in 2013-2020, with due account taken of the remarks by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development. At the same time, the agreed-upon draft state programme must be submitted to the government for consideration on December 1, 2011. This deadline remains unchanged.

The First Deputy Prime Minister also demanded that the Ministry of Agriculture finalise the draft law On Veterinary Services as soon as possible. "The Ministry of Agriculture has been dealing with this draft law for three years. Given the practical experience of measures to combat African swine fever, the Ministry of Agriculture must reach an agreement with the concerned departments, clearly delimitate the responsibilities of federal and regional agencies and stipulate tougher punishment for violations of veterinary standards," Mr Zubkov said.

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