

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met with Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov


They discussed stabilisation on the labour market, notably the regional programmes to ease tensions on the labour market presented to the Government, as well as professional training, retraining and advanced training of personnel during these programmes.

Transcript of the beginning of the meeting:

Vladimir Putin: Please, Mr Zhukov.

Alexander Zhukov: Mr Prime Minister, we continue working to stabilise the employment situation. According to the latest monitoring results, the number of registered unemployed increased by 30,000 between December 31 and January 13. The dynamics has not changed over the past few weeks. The only difference is that the number of workers on temporary leaves and partially employed workers has increased significantly.

Vladimir Putin: Will you report on the progress of your work with the regions under their programmes, to which you have allocated 43.7 billion roubles?

Alexander Zhukov: Under a Government Resolution, 15 regions were to submit their draft programmes to the Ministry of Health and Social Development. We have received 58 regional programmes by now; I think all regions will submit their programmes within a day or two. In the next ten days, these programmes will be scrutinised at the Ministry jointly with the regions. Then they will be discussed in the interdepartmental group in charge of considering regional employment assistance programmes, and after that we will distribute the 43.7 billion roubles among the four directions stipulated in the Resolution.

This is how these programmes look. I have taken along two of them, for Chelyabinsk and Krasnoyarsk. This is what they consist of. (Shows the documents)

First, the programmes include assessment of the situation at each regional enterprise, saying exactly how many people are to be dismissed. Second, they provide guidelines in all spheres - retraining, organisation of public works, and movement to other place of residence where there are vacancies. Information for each city and enterprise includes figures for new jobs, the number of people to be retrained, the schools or enterprises where they are to be retrained, as well as the number of people to receive assistance for their small businesses.

This is approximately how these programmes, which each region will have, look. We have agreed that these programmes will be approved by resolutions of regional governments and signed by governors.

Vladimir Putin: Who will organise retraining?

Alexander Zhukov: I can show you (takes out a programme). The programme says how many people will be retrained and in which professions. And these are the schools where they will be retrained.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, I see. A turner, a miller, a strapper. And these are the schools, right?

Alexander Zhukov: Yes, these are the training centres where they will be retrained. Of course, most large enterprises have their own training centres where the workers will be retrained. There are several types of retraining. The enterprises that plan dismissals will retrain their workers on site in professions the enterprise needs. Or the workers can be retrained at one enterprise for subsequent employment at another enterprise. There are also vocational training schools, higher schools, and other educational establishments. We insist that each region's and each city's programme should indicate in detail how many people will be retrained in the specified professions. By the way, the Ministry of Health and Social Development has opened a special site. As many as 160,000 people registered with it on the first day of its operation.

* * *

Deputy Prime Minister Zhukov also said that professional training, retraining and advance training will be provided to 114,000 workers slated for dismissal within the regional programmes to ease employment tensions submitted to the Government.

At least 700,000 temporary jobs will be created and 10,000 school graduates will be dispatched for onsite training.

Small businesses will create over 40,000 jobs.

Target financial assistance will be provided to 27,000 people moving to other places for permanent or temporary employment.

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