

Background materials for the March 7, 2013, Government meeting


The following issues will be discussed at the meeting:

1. The draft state programme Energy Efficiency and Energy Sector Development

The programme is aimed at a reliable supply nationwide of fuel and energy resources, improving their efficient use and reducing man-made effects of fuel and energy on the environment.

The draft programme includes the following subprogrammes: Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency; Power Industry Development and Modernisation; Oil Sector Development; Gas Sector Development; Coal Industry Restructuring and Development; and Development and Use of Renewable Energy Sources.  

2.  The draft state programme Development of Foreign Economic Activity

The state programme is aimed at resolving the tasks included in the following subprogrammes: implementation of foreign economic priorities in international economic cooperation; creation of the Eurasian Economic Union; creation of the national system to support foreign economic operation; improvement of the system of government regulation of foreign economic activity; improvement of customs operations; support for the development of state border checkpoints for foreign economic operation.

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