

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev holds a meeting with Tambov Region Governor Oleg Betin


The meeting focused on improving social services. According to Dmitry Medvedev, it is necessary to take every effort to attract young professionals and experts who will not only enter the field because they feel it is their vocation but because there is a sound system of incentives and growth opportunities.

Transcript of the beginning of the meeting:

Dmitry Medvedev: Mr Betin, today we have been focusing on social problems, which are very important for millions of our people. In the beginning, we visited a residential block that was built under the well-known programme for Great Patriotic War veterans and the people disabled in the war. The building is of a decent standard and the people, who live there, the veterans, seem to be satisfied. We launched this programme four years ago and it is nearing conclusion. As I understand, you have some more work to do, don’t you?

Oleg Betin: It must be concluded this year.

Dmitry Medvedev: Yes, it is important to finish this. The funds have been allocated, so hopefully we will conclude everything. After that, we saw several social services facilities, including a gerontology centre, which is an excellent modern facility, and all the people staying there are satisfied, as well as [another,] a more classic Soviet-type retirement home. It probably has more problems but, nevertheless, it is well-organised and it operates. Our challenge is to improve this system.

We have reviewed a draft law on social services. You voiced your ideas on advancing gradually and simultaneously fulfilling the obligations the state has assumed, on creating new services and on the groups of population eligible for social services. You have discussed these issues with the people and they support these initiatives. Could you go into greater detail regarding the situation in the Tambov Region? What steps you plan to take in the short-term in the field of social services?

Oleg Betin: Mr Medvedev, there are no rural health centres, nor paramedic services, so we will train people in private households and conclude agreements with them (we have already organised this system of training), and supply them with telephone connection and all the needed medicines and equipment…

Dmitry Medvedev: You will probably also supply cars in certain cases, won’t you?

Oleg Betin: Cars and telephones, and in addition, social workers will receive communication equipment and vehicles, just like you said, specialised vehicles. Currently we have nine mobile social services centres of this kind; we will increase their number so that we cover more areas. It is also vital to coordinate their work; we are planning to introduce a very efficient, non-bureaucratic mobile system with a small number of employees who are engaged in practical work.

We will need to raise wages and review standards. We are working on this. And, of course, our main hospitals…

Dmitry Medvedev: And what is the current salary of a social worker?

Oleg Betin: If they reach the targets, they can get about 10,000 roubles. Unfortunately, there are no clear regulations setting the targets: how many times the social worker must go shopping, chop firewood, bring water, how many visits he or she must make and when. Currently this area is not very strictly regulated so it’s hard to say precisely. If a social worker provides services to six people, then the salary is 10,000 roubles.   

Dmitry Medvedev: But the quality of service can vary. 

Oleg Betin: Yes, the quality can vary and the requirements are different. In-patient clinics, as a rule, have many elderly patients, who cannot look after themselves – this is the specific situation there. Therefore we need retirement homes (for example, for those who have no relatives and it is difficult for them to take care of themselves). And, of course, we need specialist gerontology and sanatorium-type facilities that would provide healthcare services for the elderly.  The psychology of the elderly… When we were visiting, you saw a psychologist working with them.  

Dmitry Medvedev: This was a pleasant surprise.

Oleg Betin: There is a completely different atmosphere and different people there. We should build additionally several modern homes. Last year we commissioned a very good home for 92 residents.  

The law that we discussed is absolutely vital. We have one country, the same requirements, but the regions have different needs and we should introduce unified standards because these people have served their country wherever they live now.

Dmitry Medvedev: Yes, and they simply need our help. It is not even that they served the country…

Oleg Betin: We must clearly understand our opportunities and competences because the current law does not specify it clearly. And when we begin to allocate blame, it is always a low-level official who bears the responsibility.

Dmitry Medvedev: Yes, and we must also focus on improving the social services system. I had a meeting with social workers some time ago and I realise that it is necessary to take every effort to attract young professionals and experts who will not only enter this field because they feel it is their vocation but because there is a sound system of incentives and growth opportunities. We must also create all that, especially given that the salaries are very low throughout the country, and that performance assessment criteria are very vague. So this is also a very important task to improve the system of training social workers.

Oleg Betin: In any case, they need to have the right personality for this job.

Dmitry Medvedev: Absolutely, these are always people with a certain type of personality because someone who does not care about other people’s troubles will not take this job. These are always very compassionate people; however, even compassionate people should get paid and we should create growth opportunities for them.

Oleg Betin: Mr Medvedev, I’d like to thank you for choosing the Tambov Region for your first visit as prime minister. Generally speaking, the subject you have chosen is highly complex, perhaps the most complex issue after the modernisation of education and healthcare, and it is an area in which very little has been done in recent years.

Dmitry Medvedev: Indeed, nothing has been done in this area.

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