

Decisions of the September 13, 2010 Presidium Government meeting



At its meeting on September 13, 2011 the Government Presidium adopted the following decisions:

1.      Competition in the Russian Federation

The government has accepted the report on this issue.

The Federal Anti-Monopoly Service (FAS) and the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) have been instructed to include in their report on competition in the Russian Federation the results of assessing the competitive environment in line with the MED-approved methods of defining its main indicators and criteria.

The Ministry of Economic Development, the Energy Ministry, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Regional Development, the Federal Financial Market Service (FFMS) and the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) have been instructed to pay attention to the timely and complete implementation of the Programme for the Development of Competition in the Russian Federation  2009-2015.

The FAS, the Finance Ministry, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Energy Ministry, the Transportation Ministry, the Ministry of Communications, the Federal Tariff Service (FTS) and the FFMS have been instructed to review with the respective federal executive bodies and the Central Bank the existing proposals on developing competition in the Russian Federation, including those on:

  • Ensuring non-discriminatory access to the infrastructure facilities of telecommunications and postal service and enhancing the transparency of radiofrequency spectrum distribution;
  • Ensuring access of energy retail customers and energy supply companies to the wholesale electricity market (capacities) by reducing administrative barriers and merging free power transfer zones through the construction of network electrical entities;
  • Creating conditions for price competition in the market of compulsory insurance of the civil liability of vehicle owners;
  • Streamlining the capital adequacy ratio of the professional securities market participants in order to eliminate barriers to entry into this market.

The results must be reported to the Government by January 15, 2012.

Regional executive bodies have been instructed to complete the follow-up revision of the unsatisfactory regional competition development programmes with the participation of the Ministry of Economic Development and the FAS.

The Ministry of Economic Development and the FAS have been charged with submitting a relevant report to the Government by December 1, 2011.

2. Implementing federal targeted programmes and the Federal Targeted Investment Programme (FTIP) in the first six months of 2011

The Government has accepted the report on the issue.

3. Draft Federal Law on Amendments to the Federal Law on Physical Fitness and Sports in the Russian Federation

The Government has endorsed the draft federal law and decided to submit it to the State Duma.

4. Draft Federal Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

The Government has endorsed the draft federal law and decided to submit it to the State Duma.

5. Draft Federal Law on Amendments to the Federal Law on Fire Safety Regulations

The Government has endorsed the draft federal law and decided to submit it to the State Duma.

6. Signing the Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement on Special Protective, Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Measures as Regards Third Countries of January 25, 2008

The Government has adopted a draft executive order on the issue.

7. Submitting to the president of the Russian Federation a proposal on signing the Protocol on Supplements to the Treaty on the Customs Code of the Customs Union (CU) of November 27, 2009.

Following a discussion, the Government has adopted a draft resolution on the issue.

8. Signing the Agreement on Certain Aspects of the Movement of Commodities Through Transmission and Pipeline Distribution Networks across the CU Customs Border

Following a discussion, the Government has adopted a draft resolution on the issue.

9. Amendments to the Statute on the Ministry of Economic Development

Following a discussion the Government has adopted a draft executive order on the issue.

10. Formation of the organisational committee for the preparation of an international conference and exhibition on protecting intellectual property rights, countering fake and low quality products and elaborating measures to promote the production of quality goods

Following a discussion the Government has adopted a draft executive order on the issue.

11. Allocating to the government of the Samara Region budget money from the Government Reserve Fund for the Prevention and Liquidation of Emergency Situations and the Aftermath of Natural Disasters in order to conduct relief efforts following the flood on the region’s territory in April 2011.

The Government has adopted a draft executive order on the issue.

Decisions on agenda items incorporate comments and suggestions expressed at the Government meeting and are official documents of the Government of the Russian Federation

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