

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with International Labour Organisation General Director Juan Somavia during his working visit to Switzerland


Transcript of the beginning of meeting:

Juan Somavia (via interpreter): Mr Putin, first of all, I would like to welcome you here.

As we all know, Russia plays an important role in the modern world, especially considering the global balance that changes daily. Your leadership is a fundamental issue and your visit is an honour for the ILO (International Labour Organisation). We are also glad to receive other members of the Russian delegation as well.

Vladimir Putin: Mr Director -General, thank you very much for your invitation. The ILO is one of the most important institutions that are part of the UN family. You have just mentioned the importance of maintaining a balance. Well, I believe the ILO is in fact performing this essential function – of maintaining a balance between the workforce, businesses and state authorities.

Russia is determined to make an adequate contribution to this balance -- and also by cooperating with the International Labour Organisation. We are cooperating in accordance with our agreements for 2010-2012. I am glad to have this opportunity to discuss our future cooperation with you today. We cannot imagine our work without the ILO’s efforts to resolve social problems to protect workers’ interests.

Thank you.

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