

First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov chairs a meeting of the Sub-Commission for Customs Tariff and Non-Tariff Regulation and Protective Measures in Foreign Trade under the Government Commission for Economic Development and Integration


The sub-commission approved amendments and supplements to the unified list of commodities (hereafter, the Unified List), which specifies those exports/imports of the Customs Union countries that may be prohibited or limited within the EurAsEC in terms of trade with third-party countries.

To protect marine mammals and prevent cruelty to wildlife, the meeting approved the draft decision of the Customs Union Commission on supplementing the Unified List with Item 1.8, which envisages a prohibition on the import of pelts of adult and young Greenland seals to the customs territory of the Customs Union.

The meeting approved proposals to set specific limits on the transport of certain commodity categories – particularly animal and vegetable products, and radioelectronic and high-frequency instruments for which simplified control procedures are applicable.

The meeting coordinated proposals on amendments to the list of narcotic substances, mood altering drugs, and their precursors whose transport across the Customs Union border is limited. Said amendments are intended to unify the currently valid national lists of controlled substances in the Customs Union states.

The decisions of the sub-commission are recommended for consideration at the meeting of the Customs Union Commission.

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